Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ladies of the Night

Ok, we are officially not THOSE Ladies of the Night, but we are the Girls' Night Women. I could not let another blog day go by without writing about these women I have grown so close to over the last few years. Nine years ago I moved into their neighborhood, shy, insecure, and not too sure of myself. Our friendship and conversations have influenced me so much that I consider them a part of my psyche. Each of their 15 minutes of fame

Let's just start with Kirsten. She's the muscley, fitness-type standing next to me. Kirsten was one of the first people I met when I moved into Ye Olde Neighborhood, and she has always been one of my favorite people. Kirsten has this calming quality that draws everyone to her. She is the most tender hearted person I have met in a long time. One of my cherished memories of Kirsten is that when Emma was about 2 years old, she would watch her one day a week for me while I worked. She was never put out about babysitting. She taught me that having kids over at your house is really no big deal. (It was a big deal to me at the seriously freaked me out.) Kirsten is always ready to pitch in to get the job done. She has helped me paint more than once, and the best part is she wears cleaning gloves to protect her fake nails. Even though she is the slimmest person I know, she never judges anyone by size or outward appearance. All are welcome at Kirsten's love table. Love that girl.

Moving on to dark-haired JoLayna, who we joke is Mary Poppins--Practically Perfect in Every Way. Here's the thing about JoJo: she is so good at so many things that it's hard not to want to sit at her feet and take notes about how she does everything. JoLayna's talent is prioritizing and organizing. As the mother of twin boys and two other children, one time she told me, "I have no choice but to be organized." It's true. Her house is streamlined and de-crappified to enviable proportions. If she can't afford to do a home improvement project, she's not pouty about it. She just knows it's not at the top of the list. End of story. JoLayna helped me get Abby's baptism (a blended-family affair that was quite nerve-wracking) completely stress-free and totally joyous. She also taught me how to clean a bathroom the right way. She is the master of all things technology and gadgetry. She always knows how to use the newest feature on her Blackberry. Above all, JoLayna has a keen sense of what is right. What is the right thing to do in this situation? is a question she is asked often. She just knows. Almost like the Buddha. But not fat.
Then there's Anna, in the Michigan sweatshirt. Anna was the first person I met to really tell it like it is. I've never had anyone ever tell me something (albeit true) about myself that I thought no one knew and make me feel simultaneously embarrassed and willing to change that dreaded habit. She has the gift of insight, and when you think you can BS someone, Anna will gladly tell you you are full of BS. Not in a totally mean way, but not in the sweetly ingratiating way other people will try to tell you to shape up. Anna is very well-read, which is impressive because as a child she was not a good reader. She is willing to put effort into things that matter. Her wit is evident every time we talk (which is often) and I can't help but wish I were sharper so I could keep up. She is a master decorator and we call her the "Fabric Whisperer." She has written an entire curriculum of Art History for Elementary Schools called "Art Through the Ages" ALL BY HERSELF. Research, projects, teaching tips, she does it all. Anna is not afraid to say, "I don't care about that." and delete projects off her list if they don't measure up to her standards of time-spending. Anna taught me how to clean my kitchen, how to find anything you need at the dollar store, and she also taught me that you can feed kids anything for lunch and if they don't eat it the world will not end.

I am so lucky to have true friends. What's the secret? Why have we stayed so close throughout the years? I think it's because we find the things we are lacking in each other. Our thoughtful acts of service to one another in times of need have made the bond stronger. I love each of them individually and collectively, for their own talents and what they bring to the group. I always know I can count on my girls.


melanie33 said...

every girl needs the go to friend. thats awesome that you have yourself a handful of them!

mrsmckracken said...

Yep I am pretty lucky.

barberwife said...

another triumph, my dear. I love your writing! MOM

JoLayna said...

What a fabulous surprise to log on to my computer today, check my RSS feeds (yes, a gadget I know how to use & would be happy to show you how), and see "Marge Madness" had been updated. What a joy to read about some of my favorite people!

I've thought of you often & wish I could sit at your feet and learn how to enjoy everything & not stress about anything. That is Margo's gift among so many others! One of these fine summer days I'm going to do it.

Love you, yer guts, your mom & that new marathon body!

-Mary Poppins

mrsmckracken said...

I heart you, Jojo.