Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Dodge Days of Summer

This is how I felt this morning when I got up, showered, and got ready for the day:

This is how I feel now:A tad bit worn out and a little wilted. Here's the funny thing: I have done nothing today. I would expect to feel that way after a day of painting or working in the yard or carousing the streets of Salt Lake City with my kids. But all I've done so far is sit around and watch other people work. The people who are actually working are doing this:It's amazing to think that this is all that's holding your house together. Screws, wood, and a little well-placed caulk. It makes you grateful for central air conditioning and argon gas technology.
And this is what happens to a house when the One in Charge (me) sits around all day, wandering from room to room looking at moved furniture and blank, curtainless windows:
And this is what the kitchen looks like. You're right, that's not the kitchen. But it's where all the stuff is so it doesn't get broken.

What's that? You don't know what this is? I call it an old-fashioned mess.

But in return I get these.

And these.

I guess it's worth dodging a little work to watch the wonder of professionals. It's actually worth dodging a LOT of work to have professionals do some jobs. It's true, some jobs really can't be do-it-yourselfers. All I know is, if that was me trying to put those windows in, there would be a black cloud of profanity swirling above my head and dirty little children running through my circle with matches and scissors. But thanks to these guys, there's just dirty little children running in the circle. No scissors.

And the wilted feeling? I think it's more from stuff overload. You can cram a lot of stuff into a house and even make it look cute. But once you move it around and mess it up, you're stuck with looking at all the stuff that you may be dodging. Apparently we have an entire Toys R Us store located within our walls. I'm okay with that. I'm just not okay with looking at it. But, as Scarlett says, tomorrow is another day. Fiddle-dee-dee.

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