Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Time for TV

So today I got to be on TV. I cooked gluten free crepes and forced the anchors to eat sugar. It was great. I was nervous when I got there, but it was amazing how relaxing cooking can be. Even when there's huge lights in front of your face and they may run in any second and tell you you're on. But that's not the hard part. I repeat: doing a TV show is not the hard part. WATCHING the TV show after is the hard part! I think it is painful for anyone who is not everyday on-air talent to be somewhat horrified after every time they see themselves on camera. Luckily, while you're on camera you're so worried about not messing up that you forget to be self conscious and it all goes well. But when you get home and watch the TiVo it seems to crash down on you. Do I really look like that when I laugh? How much longer until I get my roots done? My voice doesn't really sound like that, does it? Oh well. These are the days of our lives...


Anna said...

OMH would you please link the show. I cannot find it.

JoLayna said...

What? You became famous while I was gone? I take that back, you've always been famous, but now you're on TV!

I will watch TV to see you. I would also appreciate the link for my viewing pleasure.

melanie33 said...

i am so bummed i missed it. you have got to have a link for me, right?
and i am sure you were fabulous!

mrsmckracken said...

The link is posted on the other blog, which is, on the right hand side under the tab that reads, "television appearances." Whatever! Did I just type that?