Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lightning Strikes...Twice

25 Random Things about this group of people:
1. My husband is the tallest guy I know. And here is the proof. That makes him hot.
2. The first boy I ever fell in love with is in this picture. And he still talks to me. Love ya, Matt.
3. The first boy I ever fell in love with didn't tell my husband any embarrassing stories about me. Still love ya, Matt.
4. I am better friends with Clayton now than I was in high school. Back then I was so unappreciative of good humor. But now, being fully mature and all, I am so glad to be associated with Clayton's brain.
5. I got to see McCall twice in two months. Luckeee.
6. Jon can do a great impression of Troy. And if you don't know Troy, you are missing out.
7. All roads lead to Clayton's brother, Todd.
8. Some restaurants have gluten free menus! And some waiters will get them for you after only two times asking.
9. I have almost all boy friends from high school. That's weird. But I'm lucky because now I have three new girl friends because they all married really cool chicks.
10. Libby is one of the calmest, soothing people I have ever met. And I got to talk to her for two hours. It was zen-like. She must have a lot of practice from living with Clayton.
11. You can still get a good picture even if you have a fingerprint smudge on your lens.
12. I discovered all of us had checked ourselves out of school by forging our parents' signatures at some time or another. It's so weird we all have the ability to forge we're connected...but we've never done it since high school. Hmmm.
13. Even though none of us really paid attention in school, we all are fully functioning adults. If that doesn't reaffirm your faith in the school system, I don't know what will.
14. Apparently I have the best memory of details from 20 years ago than anyone in this picture.
15. Jon has gotten over his shy side and decided to tell us exactly what he thinks about getting his picture taken. I think he's trying to say, "What's taking you so long, waiter?"
16. Clayton told me he had shaved off his mustache but apparently can regrow a goatee in only 12 hours.
17. Matt's wife is one of the lucky ones who can wear a pixie haircut and not look like a boy. Unlike another girl in that picture who used to have short hair but was often mistaken for a boy...
18. McCall and Jon don't have kids yet, so they know all about the best restaurants in town. I got some great recommendations. I only know where to order chicken nuggets and Sprite.
19. Clayton taught me how to eat brie for the first time. It helps when you go on a mission to Belgium/Brussels with Jon.
20. Jon knows how to make Clayton instantly cry. Don't ask.
21. My husband is the world's greatest living expert on the City of St. George.
22. Just because you thought you were going to be something when you went to high school doesn't mean you will end up doing that for a job when you grow up. Unless you're Matt, who was born to be an accountant.
23. Sitting around and eating hummus and pitas with people makes you think you know them. And then they drink four Cokes and you think you might not.
24. Friendship isn't measured by the amount of time you spend with someone, but by the amount of fun you have with people when you spend time with them.
25. We have the most supportive spouses who will agree to be dragged along to dinner with people they have never met and listen to us talk about bandanas and ripped jeans and the good old days. Go Vikes!

Sometimes lightning strikes and you get to associate with awesome, funny people for a while. And sometimes it strikes twice.


Sheri Wojtasek said...

I loved that recap! Sounds like it was a great mini reunion! Thanks for sharing!!

melanie33 said...

awww man, see now that makes me feel guilty. Guilty like i need to be gathering my old group of friends for a night out. sigh, tack one more thing on the list....

mrsmckracken said...

Dude, can you type? That's all it took. In fact, it was weird to talk to them without a screen between us.